24.2.09 at 9:20 AM

Taschen Books has out a wonderful piece of work by Frans Lanting (view it here) that I think should inspire us to do the same - or at least to show a similar amount of interest in our world, our history and the beauty of it. By "we" I mean Christians.

Lanting's book, which has been on the shelf at one of my client's offices for several months now, really does strike one with awe, Lanting's photos drawing the reader out of their chair into the fantastic world in which we live. The kicker is that it is so incredibly tilted toward being propaganda for Evolution that it almost made me laugh out loud.

Now I love good science. For those of you who don't know, my first job (aside from bagging groceries at Harris Teeter) was in the chemical lab at Sealed Air mixing glues and plastics. One of my favorite hobbies is quantum physics and if my math weren't so bad, I probably would have ended up in that field. So hearing Evolutionary mush from scientists, I at least can buy their professional views if not world views. But Lanting's profession, as far as I can tell, is as a photographer! His assesment of evolutionary "facts" merely comes across as pretentious.

Nonetheless, it is a beautiful book. I propose to start a collection of photographs from Christian photographers (or anyone willing to donate to the cause) in order to put together a book showing the wonders of the universe, the world and life on it. I mean to make this as professionally beautiful as possible and to put all the design strength I have into making this. Lets make this a huge coffee table book second only to those municiple library atlases or university dictionaries. Lets make this as thick as a family Bible and as beautiful as God's Creation presents itself to us. Let us make a presentation to the world, a book of photographs that screams "Creation!"
Here I begin to advertise the need for QUALITY photographs (it is God's world, not ours!). Lets not let the seductive propaganda of secular or naturalistic artists, photographers or designers bend the way the public thinks of God's fantastic world.

Here are some pictures from the inside of Lanting's book. Please do not download them, they are the copyright of Taschen books. Thanks.

The Creation Book

23.2.09 at 2:28 PM
This blog is a running tally of photographs and text for a book planned to show the glory of God in the world, universe and life by Christian's photos of the world around them.

Stay tuned!

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